Each Thursday at 12 am

Interactive website that shows digital artworks undergoing a perpetual transformation process. With Guusje de Bruin and Merle | Mischke | Klee. Each participant created a digital artwork that was forwarded to each other in a predetermined order, each Thursday at 12am. Each artist continued the process by intuitively transforming these works. On the website created with studio Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann visitors can re-experience the transformations and react to the artworks themselves.

The project was supported by the aid fund “Kunst kennt keinen Shutdown” of the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung as well as the “Nationales Performance Netz – Stepping Out”, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media as part of the “Neustart Kultur” initiative. Aid program dance. The realization of the project was funded by the Ministry for Education, Science and Culture Schleswig-Holstein.

Try the Instagram filter made by Guusje de Bruin for the website project here!